Friday, May 9, 2014

Root Goldberg Project

Root Goldberg Project
1.      1.  Draw a blueprint of a complicated machine to do a simple task
We have yet to draw a blueprint because we have yet to finish our Root Goldberg project.
2.      2. Label all parts of the machine
1 – Ball drop
2 – down the tube, throw the pipe
3- on the ramp
4 – hits the slinky and turns around
5 – rolls down second ramp
6 – falls into cup (pulley(s)) system
7 – cup goes up, cup goes down
8 – cup hits dominos
9 – yet to be announced
10 – yet to be announced
3.     3.  Calculate the mechanical advantage of at least two parts of the machine
The ramp(s) assists the ball in its quest to get to the cup which knocks over dominos
4.     4.  Explain the energy conversions of at least two parts of the machine
Pulleys: the ball rolls into one of the cups which causes the other to become lighter, then it raises as the other falls
Dominos: cup hits dominos they hit each other and continue to fall until dominos end.  
5.     5.  Build the machine
Yet to be finished.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Museum of science field trip

Museum of Science Field Trip

  • Audiokinetic Sculpture - This Sculpture was a or representation of how different paths are chosen every time all depending on the different variables. The cool thing about this Sculpture is that the balls went on a different route every time, the only 'annoying' thing i found about this sculpture is that one path never was 'chosen' every other path happened but that one didn't.
  • Fantastic Forces - Newton's cradle was a very cool invention? because there would be 5 balls and all depending on how many balls you pulled back and let go, it would effect the other side. The really enjoyed this because of all the different variables that could happen the only thing i didn't enjoy was the chairs we sat in. If you sat back in them you would fall back :) it was funny though.
  • Engineering Design: Bobsled - I've done the bobsled 'experiment' many times because i used to go to the Museum of Science all the time as a kid, so I wasn't really into it this time but watching everybody else who hadn't done it before was a good feeling. Everybody was all excited so ya, good time overall.    
  • Lightning Show - The lightning show is a great thing to experience, lightning flying all over the place of course i liked the lightning but the only thing was a bit sour was that they play a song with lightning every show and they haven't changed the Song(s) they play in years but it was still a good time.